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Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm Bored

Long, long, time, eh? Well, I, err, must, without, like, pausing, say, it's, err, not, ummm, entirely, ah, without, uh, reason. So, err, how, um, have, you, err, been?

Okay, really, down to business:

Can you repeat the question? No. Oh. How rude.

I've had a rather interesting time lately, with a lot of, shall we say, repeats: bits of life looking just slightly like something I've seen a long, long time ago, but still different, still new; a push unexpected and (as Tolkien puts it so beautifully) unlooked for. I was just thinking yesterday, how it's times like that which define you - I mean, sure, yes, it's the crunch times which change you too, but for me (I don't know why, I've just never responded well to pressure, or something, I guess) it's always been the happy times which change me. The bits where time itself turns flexible, and opportunities hide beneath every surface, and life has, if not meaning, then atleast a direction. Like flowing water, finding a slope to chase down before saturating once again at the base.

And, like me, the water has changed. It has lost potential energy, but look - it's a new shape, in a new place, looking out at the world with newfound wonder. And once enough of it drips down, we overflow the rock which stops us and the chase down the hillside begins anew.

(There, I'm done. The Grand Olde English Grammaticists can stop rolling in your graves now).

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