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Thursday, May 24, 2007

On my way home

I'm going home! Just barely enough time to take a quick shower (no shave, alas, which means I turn up pretty unkempt), pack my backpack (no spillover packing this time, praise the heavens, just books, papers, and other long-distance-travel odds and ends), and get out the door. Which I should do right now, really; there's not an awful lot of time before 5am, which is my '2.5 hours before the flight' deadline.

Cheers, guys. More soon!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I leave Singapore in just over twenty four hours, and I am hopelessly underpacked (NOT packed), underclothed (NO idea what I'm going to wear, whether it's in a wearable state, or what) and I only just put some clothes on the washing line to dry. Hsus. Tomorrow could well be a gawd-awful day.

I was going to go home and get ready, but then I had to help set up a Poy run, and you know how long those can take. Particularly when SeqMat was giving me hell, and our dataset just kept having one problem after another ... all in all, it took us seven hours to figure everything out, and to make it run. Zomg.

Still, I guess there's two things to remember: (1) it's a wedding, which means it Can't Be Screwed Up, and (2) it's a holiday, which means Anything's Possible. Within these two my sanity can rest unencumbered.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 5:12 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

One nice thing

The one nice thing about not being able to sleep properly is that on the few occasions where you do manage to sleep properly (such as yesterday night), everything just feels amazing good and beautiful the next morning.


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Friday, May 18, 2007

Morning movements

So I wake up around 3am, after 5.5 hours of sleep: not bad after yesterday night, but hardly satisfying, right? Get myself something to eat, and get to watch some classic episodes (Seinfeld's The Invitations and The Simpson' I Love List. So, not too shabby. I still have to book Indian Airlines tickets (they won't accept international credit cards), but now that the dates are getting closer, I need to think about how I'm actually going to spend my ridiculously few days in the Bombay/Pune region ... let's see. Anuja leaves on her trip day after, so hopefully her part of the ...-to-Bombay trip would have been sorted out.

And that's nothing on the whole post-job planning required! Which also means I'll be possibly/probably buying a new laptop before the end of June, 2007, i.e. within the month. Oh me, oh my. And I still don't know whether it's an Apple, neither.

Anywho, I really ought to get back down and clean up in the kitchen. Went out running with the guys yesterday, which was fun. Am probably going to try to sleep for a while again now.


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This post was posted by Unknown at 6:32 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

So much more

There have been some amazing photos on Astronomy Picture of the Day lately. Most astounding: this relatively indescript photo of Gliese 581, a star harbouring the most earth-like planet found outside the solar system. And in between, some joker decided to re-run the blue marble photograph. I don't suppose that photo ever gets old.

And then today's was this amazing photo of a possible dark matter ring, taken by the redoubtable Hubble Telescope. Look at that! Galaxies! I mean, wow.

In other news, I'd completely forgotten about the family website until my Dad reminded me, so now there's a post on everywhere we went in London up now. Took a while to get all those links working, mind. I need to add in the 'family' photos to the bar on top of the website, too, and maybe a couple new posts about ... well, anything, I guess.

Mr. Munroe has an amazing map of online communities on xkcd now. I love how it's a subtle manipulation of the Asian east coast! Singapore is right by the Bay of Angst, just sound of Xanga, while India is entirely covered by Classmates.com. Speaking of which, have you heard about Mr. Munroe's recent run-in with the MIT folks. Obviously, as per his request, he is being pelted by the algorithm from Jersey. While the effect the algorithm might have on normal people, it's effect on fictionals are well-established: the algorithm is believed responsible for the death of "Ask Jeeves" from the Internet several yoinks ago.

IndieHIG is a project designed to come up with an independent set of human interface guidelines. Interesting.

Yet another in the long line of redshirt jokes. Nicely done.

And, to round things off, this brilliantly cute comic about adulthood from the recently mentioned Mr. Munroe, him of the algorithm.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 8:34 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Small Gods

I just finished reading Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, easily my favourite Discworld novel to date (narrowly beating Reaper Man, which, although a more interesting premise, wasn't executed as brilliantly as Small Gods imho). It's really an amazing books, and although I generally complain about Pratchett endings, this one is perfect.

Now, if only I could figure out my screwed up stomach and all this staying-up-all-night things ...

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This post was posted by Unknown at 6:02 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So now

To start off, this crazy country never stops surprising me. And this post is interesting, if a little drawn out and tedious.

There is good news. The weather is finally turning: I could have slept without aircon or a fan tonight if I was so inclined.

There is, also, bad news. Both last week and this week so far have been tedious, boring weeks without much to recommend them. Last week was spent trying to catch up on Singapore time, the weekend on catching up on sleep, and this week catching up on work from last week. I woke up today at 2pm from right in the middle of a dream, which is always awful because your mind is all over the place and all you (well, I) can do is sit and wait for it to gather itself together. Ugh.

This might be a reaction to London. London's full of little alleyways which wind off in odd directions: it's a walker's paradise, with a million roads to walk down and discover something new. Chelsea or Southwark could keep me happily occupied for years. Singapore just doesn't have that, except maybe for bits in Bugis. Otherwise, it's HDBs far as the eye can see.

I know (hope?) that I'm just looking at the bad side, and the good side's going to pop up at me soon enough and all that. The one positive hope is that I am bored; generally, this leads to me doing something about the boredom, which last for a good while. Of course, it won't be that straightforward: expect another extension when I fly home (Bombay-Calicut-Bombay-Pune-Bombay - in just over a week, no less!). But - no, wait, BUT! - as of June 21, 2007, I am unemployed again. Good stuff.

I am really, really, really looking forward to that.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 11:51 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Back Home Again

So, holiday over. Well - this one. Kerela trip looms in less than a month. Like, zomg.

Holiday was fantastic - I was vaguely considering writing one huge blog entry on the whole thing (or a series of smaller blog posts, one per day), and I guess I might, but right now, I just can't be bothered. But, you know, someday. Maybe. 700+ photos are up already, and that's only for the first four days of the holidays! The rest are coming, never fear, though it might take a while. I've got photos all over the place.

There's good things, bad things, and worse things:

Except more soon.

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