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Saturday, January 27, 2007


My grandmother passed away two days ago, on Thursday, 27 January, one day short of her 95th birthday. She was in the hospital after a hip replacement operation. All her surviving children gathered in Mumbai for her cremation the same evening. None of her nine grandchildren were there: five of them were in the US, two in India, one in Johannesburg, and one in Singapore. So it goes.

Once you count in Linda's recent death, this brings the total count of human beings I know who died in the last year to four (grandmom, aunt, grandmom, Linda); six, if you stretch the definition of a year somewhat, and count the deaths of my cat (Jan 11, last year) and my (other) aunt's dog (December). Not a pleasant year to be in.

I suppose this is the sort of thing which should inspire deep and meaningful questions about the nature of life, family, relationships, intimacy, friendships, and the life, but it doesn't. Not for me, anyway. I think maybe I'm just jaded. Life is, and then it isn't - do we have to make it worst by ascribing meaning and purpose to something so purposeless? Hmmm.

I haven't had "big thoughts" in quite a while, and I honestly can't tell if that's a good thing or not.


This post was posted by Unknown at 4:29 am


Gaurav, could you email me and tell me what happened? I just found out today and was completely stunned.your sps mail is down. 

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