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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

(D - 3)
Three days to go. Brrr. I don't know, my reports have sort of always ended up like this only (and yes, I know that's not a good thing). But ah, well, well. Hope to finish off atleast a rough draft of the report by tonight (do I hear naysayers in the audience?). But I want to work at home! Lab is no place for scientific writing, etc. Well, I suppose if it's tonight, it's probably more speed-writing than scientific writing, but never mind. Yes, of course I'm scared, don't I have a right to be? Although I don't really realise it, I must be in the barrel already - the cone of possibilities, where some possibilities inexorably get moved to outside the cone, and move forever out of the reach of human hands. Then again, I'm not so much into this project, really, so it's perfectly possible that the cone of possibility is simply going to be too fundamental to ignore. Stuff to do (I think):
  1. Write report (Intro/Materials/Results/Discussion/Conc/References)
  2. Collate the accession numbers for everything (still not sure how I'll manage that!)
  3. Make graphs for everything (minor, I can postpone that until Wednesday I guess).
Probably want to prettify code too :P although that's strictly a Thursday-job. Think I can do it? Don't have a choice :P. So have to. Let's see, let's see.

This post was posted by Unknown at 11:49 am


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