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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Hope, as they say, spring eternal, and in a matter of half a day I've got hope! Atleast in theory, it's even a fail-safe hope - the sort of hope that will, even if the thing hoped for does not materialise, still be good for me. And hell, it's hope - yesterday, I would have swallowed the sweet juices of hope even if they were mixed with the fire of hell, but today, I have gotten real, actual, viable, possible, imaginable, hope. Wow! :) But there is still a very, very, very good chance that ... err ... the "thing hoped for" won't materialise. The goal for me - for the next couple of months - will be to focus on something else, anything, until I find something which turns me on so totally, so incredibly, that I'd be willing to give anything up for it. Something which, no matter when or why or how, I can turn to in the times when I need something to inspire me, but at the same time, something that I can chase with all the strength I can muster ... until the very end! (A day of ends and beginnings, it must be noted. A day of starts, stops and finishes. A day without completing Cell Bio studies. Yelp!)

This post was posted by Unknown at 7:43 pm


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