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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Firefox 0.9
Firefox 0.9 was released two days ago. It's quite nice - the main visible difference is the GUI (basically different icons). But it looks okay, and if I cannot make it, I can always flip back to the old theme, so that's alright. It's much smaller than the last version (4.7MB). The most exciting thing here is that 0.9 generally means "almost-though-not-quite-complete", so this (minus any bugs which turn up) is what Firefox 1.0 is going to look like. The most stiking thing is the going-back-in-time here: this browser reminds me uncannily of MS Internet Explorer 2.0! The beautiful thing about Firefox is that, with each successive version, it actually looks simpler and simpler - rather unusual for the computer industry! Tomorrow I leave for Bombay, to return on Tuesday. Hopefully this will give me a chance to get stuff "off my head", though as always, you can never be sure ... (Statutory Warning: I'm not depressed, I'm just *whacked*. Really tired and stuff. Life looks weird.)

This post was posted by Unknown at 6:25 pm


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