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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Status Report

Linky for you!

Okay, so here's my first status report in what must be ages ... and it's a good day for it too, not in the least because I'm right now sitting at home (or, in my room) watching "American Beauty" on the telly (or, on my comp) and lying on my (not so) comfortable bed. Atleast I'll be going to sleep early, getting up early (I hope) and reading some papers (I hope). But, at any rate, (with any luck) a day for rest and relaxation. God, I need it, though. The last few days have been so exhausting. But the website is ready - yay! - and I get atleast one day off. Double-yay.

Lots to think about, work about, etc. etc. but am not going to waste my time - or yours - discussing them here. The point is, tiredness aside, I spent the last few days doing something I enjoy - making websites, creating magic with CSS, PHP, Javascript and, of course, the one and only HTML.

So, in short: things are good. Tiring, slightly confusing, sometimes irritating, a little scary ... but mostly, good. And that's the way i like it.

This post was posted by Unknown at 10:20 pm


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