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Monday, March 14, 2005

I haven't done this in a while ...

... so bear with me. This is going to be the first post in a long, long, long time where I'm going to be half-serious, half-thoughtful, hell, half ... no, serious is really the right word to use here.

I feel scared, for some strange reason. Okay, to be perfectly honest: I'm not sure if it's fear. Maybe it's not, but that's the closest I can get to putting a name to it. It might just be an attack of insomnia (it's 3:30am, even as we speak) which might be even worse. This particular time, incidently, I have literally tried everything - a walk/jog, a shower, fooling around on the net, etc. So, here I am, once again, trying to still my aching head and silence my beating heart, etc. etc. for the benefit of all mankind.

Oops, I promised to be serious, didn't I? Silly me.

I thought about Australia again. Not entirely sure why, in fact, one of the things I remember thinking about was that I really wasn't sure about Australia any more. Hell, I'm not even entirely sure what it was I was once sure about Australia about. And trust me, this isn't just the sleep talking. Well, maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Weekends generally take it out of me, when I'm in Singapore. Usually, there's both too much happening - places to go on Saturday night, things to do on Friday, lab meetings Saturday mornings - and, sometimes, too little - the dreaded Sunday Afternoon Sleepiness (what Douglas Adams, if I'm not mistaken, poetically referred to as The Teatime of the Soul), and just the sheer ... loneliness, which comes from being by yourself for two days in a row.

But then again, when you're by yourself all the time anyway, it shouldn't really make a difference, should it? Should it?

Sigh. I don't want to be alone.

This post was posted by Unknown at 3:08 am


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