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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Oh no

I had a long, complicated, tragicomic dream last night, exactly the kind of crap I don't need right now. She was in it, and school, which really is exactly the most horrible thing I can imagine (school, not Her). School was horrible (but hey! Interesting design; one tall building with everything on top of everything), as you might expect. A teacher dragged me over the coals for eating in class. Srsly. But then She got dragged over the coals for reasons which I still haven't entirely figured (along with some friends of mine from the Flooded Place), and I felt awful, awful, awful. Also spent a goodly amount of time running around on the roof of the school (it was a nice roof-garden-place) trying not to think about all that stuff. Finally ended up running all around the building trying to find my shorts (of which I have two pairs; one I was wearing, but I needed the other one so I had something to wear when the other pair was in the wash, so it was urgent I find them!). I basically stayed in that dream some time longer than I should've because of those pants, and only "popped" out once I realised that - as a dream - it didn't matter, and both pants were really with me anyway.

Good heavens. And when I came back from the washroom, can you imagine what time it was? 10:42am. But, you know. Of course.

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