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Friday, April 30, 2004

From Home Post 1
Right, well - as you'd expect, my posts from home are going to be a lot fewer than the ones from college =D. No, it's not "just because" of the bad internet connection - to put it simply, less happens here (though of course I'll keep you updated if by some miracle something interesting *does* happen). Maybe this is all wrong - it's just a matter of how you look at it? Maybe if I try, B'lore can be as interesting as Singapore ... ? Well, the other reason is - I confess - because there is less stuff worrying me. Home has a reassuring air of "whatever" about it ... you just stop caring about the Big Picture in life, and live for and in the present. Which is good - it's relaxing, it's un-stressful, it feels good - but there's also something ... not right about it. There's just this feeling of taking it too easy? Of not enjoying myself as thoroughly as I should (yeah, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, either). And ... there's something else. Something not quite homely about home, this time. I don't know. It's like I'm very, very slightly out of reality, out of touch with life, or something. A 56kb net connection :) as opposed to an on-campus super-fast one. Yeah, that must be it ;). No, but seriously, I don't know. I'm very jumpy with stuff to do with my immediate family- well, extended too, I guess. I'm not sure what it is, and maybe someday when I'm real safe 'n' secure 'n' stuff, I'll sit down and think about it. But ... right here, right now ... i mean, it's family, right? It's supposed to be that one final last permament link to the Real World, to tomorrow ... if all else fails ... and I'm not loosing that, even if it means ignoring and not thinking about ... what? I don't know. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. On the up side, Personal Development is going well. Have a very cool idea for a program (yes, yet another this-is-the-one-which-will-make-me-megabucks! scheme, I know), which I'm working on mostly these days (just downloaded the MinGW compiler, and it looks quite sexy!). I'm going swimming every night. I'm making myself breakfast every morning (cheese omlette, sort of waiting until I can do it unsupervised, perfect, before moving on to more interesting culinary delights). I'm watching plenty of television, and particularly many nice movies (am I? Can't remember. But it's 4am IST now, so I guess I don't have to be capable of thought). Bought and borrowed some nice books lately, to do with Bioinfo and stuff, although my primary reading focus is the Complete Yes Minister, which I got for my sis (dun think I can bring a book that big back from India! Hmmm ... let's see let's see). Today is the 30th of April, which means I have about a month and a 3/4th in B'lore before going back to Singapore. The second half of my hols are going to be the more interesting half, for sure - trip to Kodaikanal with family, trip to Bombay probably alone ... let's see let's see. Might get to do that Matheran trip I've been dreaming of for so long. Yoko is now running around the room going hyper. Am going to have to convince him to go down before he'll let me sleep. Somehow, I don't think it'll be easy :( ... btw, Gmail might be nice, and cool interface and everything, but it's a bit unwieldy on my 56kb connection (56kb noted == 16kb in reality). Still, IMAP access should loose that pretty well. Haven't been thinking about *that* thing either, and not sure if that's a good thing or not. I suppose bad, cos it's been on my mind but I haven't sat down and properly *thought* about it. I need to get out and find a place where I can really just ... think. Just be safe and think. I've never been very good at doing that, but then again, I haven't ever gone swimming every day before, have I? Regular exercise is fun. And it's hope: there is always possibility of improvement. Always. On to tomorrow, then. Wish my luck with my psychotic cat (he's seriously psychotic, okay? He runs round and round the room, and heaven alone knows what he's running from or running to. Was staring at him going nuts today and thinking of some interesting ethological experiments I might have done in another life. Another life? But tomorrow, tomorrow is close enough to another life to make all possibilities possible :). And on that happy note, I close. Good night.

This post was posted by Unknown at 6:14 am


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