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Friday, July 09, 2004

Had a lot to say ...

But mostly forgot it all on the way back from the airport :D (went to see Naef off, was at Changi all night, and only got back now!) Way too tired to anyways. My feet are killing me. Had some brilliant (?) ideas at the airport, btw, but won't set them out here since (a) as a writer once put it, if the idea is brilliant enough, you won't be able to forget them, and (b) no-one but me would be jobless enough to actually implement this particular idea :P.

Interesting point: lots of things happened yesterday night - lots of ghosts, I mean, memories of the past walking slowly by. Things which kept reminding me of things, if you know what I mean. One of the most amazing experiences I had this last holiday - if I might be allowed the digression - was visiting Priyadarshini Park. Mostly, the places I visit can be distributed into three types: places with so many memories that they just saturate me up, and it's hard to focus on any one (most of the rooms I've lived in, for instance), those with such few memories that I don't really remember properly (like Plaza Singapura, Orchard - only been there once) and the really magical ones, the ones with enough emotional memories that they follow you (like ghosts!) and peek out from behind familiar pillars, smiling. Changi is such a magical place (the other, ironically, is a bus, but I won't go into that now), atleast for me. I've seen off so many people who meant so much for me, had so many interesting - pivotal? definately important - events happen there, steps taken, people met, the whole hoo-ha. And tonight - well, yesterday night - I went back to so many of the places with memories, and grinned at the ghosts of long (and not so long) ago. (So why did I mention Priyadarshani Park? Because there is another category of place. Last June was the first time I returned to PDP, as we used to call it, after almost nine years. The memories didn't peek out from nowhere - they jumped out of the ground, from behind trees, and over hills; they caught me by sheer surprise. Things which I hadn't remembered in years and all. Very cool, but it was slightly spooky for me, which is why I still haven't visited my two homes in Mumbai - Ridgeway and Manek).

That's all I've gotta say for now, I guess (and I desperately need to bathe and sleep!) But feeling much better from y'day night, which is good :). If any of my friends who I got mad at y'day read this before I see them next, a huge huge huge SORRY from me :). Love you guys! Now g'nite, and seeya tomorrow.

p.s. Now on page 124 of The Fountainhead - would all those who find the plot "contrived" please raise their hands? Still, fun book to read - let's see where it goes from here in on. At the risk - no, certainty - of sounding priggish, it's nothing compared with The Great One.

This post was posted by Unknown at 7:40 am


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