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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

New Year Resolutions

For those who don't get it (is there anybody? Just about all of my "readership" ought to be Singaporean ...), tonight is - was - the Chinese New Year. The Year of the Rooster is upon it, and since last year end (both Chinese and English, actually) were pretty ambiguous, I'd just like to put some stuff down, just to clarify stuff for myself and - I guess - for those around me. Well, me mostly. If you get bored, don't blame me.

Just discovered a grand post by Yvette, so am pleased at peach. Got to do all the demon-exorcising (well, okay, not really) and it's unbelievably late now. Shit. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day.

Ah, well ... so what else is new?

(The writer would like to note that the above is only indicative of his current state of extraordinary exhaustion, and not of his general mood. Life is actually pretty good right now, and as mentioned repeatedly, is getting better. So, ha).

This post was posted by Unknown at 5:35 am


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