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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why are you in science?

Giving an interesting meme a push: why are you in science? Apparently, the more common reason is mentors.

I'm in Science at all because when I was a horny little adolescent, I discovered The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris. Apart from an excrutiatingly scientific description of sex, it was my first introduction to animal behaviour, and I just completely went crazy about it.

Why crazy? To be honest, I still don't know - and only being able to do one course in animal behavior thus far doesn't help. I think I'm fascinated by complicated systems - which also explains why I'm into computers. Complicated, and yet entirely deterministic systems. And yet, in these rhythms and processes and movements is the dance that is life, in all the splendid, astounding, satisfying, disappointing, morbid, fantastic glory.

So: that's why I'm here.

This post was posted by Unknown at 12:01 am


mazel tov, Gaurav. You've discovered the million dollar answer that people never find out in their livetimes. Now you can ask yourself why you persist in this madness. Why, Gaurav, why us??


Heyyy.. You never told me you were a horny adoloscent.. 

Great post, btw. 

Damnit, what was that other brilliant thing I had to say? 

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