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Monday, December 10, 2007

Facebook Request Updates

At the moment, I have the following requests on Facebook:

  1. One event invitation
  2. Two group invitations
  3. One 6o invite request
  4. One counter strike invite
  5. One harry potter's magic invite
  6. One you're hot request (from a guy, unfortunately)
  7. One entourage invite
  8. Three (!) (fluff)friends invites
  9. One define me request
  10. Two slayers invites
  11. Four (!!) Jedi vs. Sith invites
  12. One cat quotes requests. I never found cats to be particularly quotable ...
  13. One send sms invite
  14. One bookshelf invite
  15. Three cause invites
  16. Three petrolhead (??) invites
  17. One hangman invite (speaking of which)
  18. Two pirates vs. ninjas invites
  19. One cute horoscopes invites (what's that? "You're going to - tee hee! - die tomorrow!"?)
  20. One risk invite
  21. One "Defense of the ancie" invite (turns out that's defense of the Ancients, you know my thoughts on that.
  22. One warbook (!) invite. And just after I watched the first bit of Saving Private Ryan, too.
  23. One werewolves invite
  24. One vampires invite
  25. One zombies invite

I'm tellin' ya, the guys in the future are going to make as much fun of us as we make of the Victorians. Modern times, indeed.


This post was posted by Unknown at 1:07 am


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