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Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Bloody typical, they've gone back to metric without telling us!"

In keeping with my recent "buy, buy, buy!" mood, I've today purchased Brazil. I was going through a "omg why oh why" thing, but now that the movie's started, it's all vanished - this movie is absolutely worth it! The beauty of the visuals, the sharpness of the wit, and the fantastic soundtrack make up for anything. So, hurrah me!

OMG Gordon Kaye is in here as well! Tiny role, but there you go. Wowzer.

Another quote: "You must have hopes ... wishes ... dreams!" "No, nothing - not even dreams!" (Cut to dream). You can see why it's so easy to love this movie.

Got books, as well: one by Saramago, the Annie Proulx short-story collection which contains Brokeback Mountain, Three Men On A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome, and Eric by Terry Pratchett. So I'll have stuff to do if I'm to be all sick and whatnot.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 9:50 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Rainy Saturday

Since I'm stuck at home, without much to do (without much I want to do, truth be told), this really is the perfect time to catch up on my blogging. Especially what with Blogspot's new interface and all that.

But really: other than my Pune article cleanup being finished, what have I to report? I'm really just looking forward to, in chronological order:

For now, I'm going to go give The Sims 2 another try.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 3:11 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sickness and Health

Am sitting in bed watching My Name Is Earl, which I'd forgotten how well it ages. My second viewing, and every episode is as great as it was the first time around. Unbelievably funny, and it's not even my favourite episode yet. On television this minute: Season 2 ep 4, the the "Time After Time" sequence. Sheer brilliance! And yay!

Was so sick all day today that I completely forgot my tooth was aching. Had horrible KFC food for dinner. I'm avoiding so many people on chat it's not even funny (interestingly, nobody likely to read my blog, so this is all good). Read a play after ages today, which is always nice.

There's a Flickr meetup this Sunday, so um, yeah. Might go in the interest of being a bit more outgoing or whatnot. Let's see how much I change my mind by Sunday.

Two other things: am getting Brazil on Saturday. Brazil! The other thing involved Mars being as big as the moon in Aug 2003, but I guess that's not really important at all.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 12:30 am | 3 comments | Post a Comment

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Behind on everything

Also, my tooth hurts. Dagnabit.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 1:20 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment