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Monday, February 14, 2005

This is either ...

... the smartest, or stupidest thing I've ever said. It might be the best summary of the whole MyBiome idea I've ever made.

In a nutshell:

  1. First, there was the Internet. Information abounded, as it was mostly a scientific and institute-based medium.
  2. Quality and information dropped, as crud began to accumulate.
  3. Companies came out to "organise" the crud, to provide points of reference in this great virtual world. The first portals were born.
  4. Crud increased beyond the ability of these portals to handle. Return to step 2.

Since then, it's pretty much been a fight between the enablers (Netscape, Microsoft), the data organisers (Yahoo, Google) and the data providers (CNET, news websites, Amazon.com, blogs) on one hand, and the crud (badly designed websites, spam sites).

Conclusion: there is still space for people to find websites which organise information targeting their specific interest. I think.

This post was posted by Unknown at 3:44 am


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