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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Watchin' the Wheels (Go Round And Round)

So, here we are ... another week, another Saturday night, another pile of stuff which needs doing in double-quick time, another book which has totally caught my fancy (Shame by Salman Rushdie, if you must know - my second reading. So sarcastic! Loving it!), another website idea, another project almost done, another project needs to be started on, another submission coming up, another test to prove how little I know (or care) about micro-organisms (well, in all honestly, the test is how much I can learn about them, so that's all right then), another personality test (well, informal, basically confirming that I'm a screwed up INFP, yay), another IQ test (129, for what it's worth, and I'm a "facts curator", which is true), another mismade dinner, another session of sitting online listening to great songs not actually doing anything and another day gone in the quest for biological numbers, laboratory hubris, sleep, dreams, and pretty websites.


I need meaning to my life! Purpose! Drive! Desire! Heck, I'd settle for their ugly sisters, Quest, Fun and Lust. But something, anything, to make it seem just a little worthwhile, give it some kind of meaning, structure, whatever.

Aiee aiee aiee ...

This post was posted by Unknown at 10:49 pm


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