This can usually be found on Twitter.
Feels sick. Is (probably) sick. And my life right now consists mostly of me diligently not doing what I should, and forcing me to do what I must - badly.
I know it's almost over, and that makes me happy, but my grades are going to be really, truely, genuinely horrible this sem, and I really don't want to face up to that just yet. Besides which I don't have a place to live in after May 14, I don't have a job, and the two (or three) things I really want to do - aren't happening. All in all, not a very happy or positive set of circumstances.
What a year it's been. Honestly. Can't wait until college spits me out, and I get something vaguely resembling my own time again, even if I have to fail all my modules to do this. Moans, groans, sighs.
This post was posted by Unknown at 4:38 pm