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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Welcome to the 21st century

BBC World just reported that tanks are approaching government house in Bangkok, even as Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa beat the gavel for the 61st United National General Assembly to come to order for Kofi Annan's opening speech.

Such is life, global style -- life in the 21st century. So easy to get left behind.

This post was posted by Unknown at 11:25 pm


Yes, easy to be left behind. Thing is, until now, when we find out about all these things real-time, we used to read about them once a week in the papers. That was easier, no? 

Oh, I don't know - as Stephen Dubner put it (and if I may pimp my own blog), Modern life may not be particularly fair, but at least it's not boring. =) That sort of sums it up for me: it's a pain being real-time to everything, but once you've gone there, you can't really pull back. Can you? 

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