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Saturday, May 15, 2004

God, I think, now officially has something against me. 1. Got sick today. No specific handicap of any sort, just a general feeling of ... sickness ... throat-and-stomach, that sort of thing. Just sitting around now with a super-hot computer on my lap feeling *sick*. 2. Got no work - of any sort - done today. At. All. 3. Blogger.com refuses to open. 4. I need to sleep. "Reality bites" is coming on television. Oh. God. 5. I feel so sick. So sick so sick so sick so sick! 6. Things in my life not so good at the moment. Don't want to talk about it. On the whole, - oh good, Blogger is back! - life is getting very sucky. And not just sucky. Bad. God, I need a break. if i was back in singapore, i would have taken the day *off*. Lie around in my room all day. Go down to PGP canteen at 4pm. Eat a burger and fries - crap for my throat, complete hell for my body, not even so tasty, but ... well ... reassuring. a Bit of stability in a mad, mad world. Then i would go for a walk. No, a talk - I'd call someone. I'd call someone and chat for a while. Or drop in on someone and waste a bit of time. Then walk. Walk down the tree-covered paths of KE. Go to the lab, and (try to) blank out everything but work (hard) and reindeer (easy). And ... "Reality Bites" was playing, but on my stomach, just watching all those cigerettes are driving me nuts, so I just turned it off. I suppose I should log off, turn off the light, and go to sleep now? Ugh. Why can't life taste sweeter? Why must it be so sour? (Turns on TV again)

This post was posted by Unknown at 4:47 am


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