This can usually be found on Twitter.
... almost :).
Sorry if you don't like the hi-funda graphics; this is (I think) the best looking blog option in Blogger. The new, improved Blogger, that is. Will be trying out features in future blogs. But right now, just putting up a short note.
Well, right now, things with me are
good. No, really. Things with Pradeep are getting better, things with the play are getting better, Blogger is looking cooler, Gmail is working great, Slashdot just gave me 5 moderator points (yes,
today!), and ... yeah. All in all, life is nice.
Just a little worried (yes, I know - I just can't handle being happy!) that things are ... going to change? Nah, I
know they'll do that. What I'm worried about is that they'll go bad. Or that there's something I've forgotten. That's going to jump out of the grass and bite me real soon. Jesus, now I'm actually getting
worried. I'm really no good at paranoia!
Okay, one thing - getting a lot more laid back. For sure. Getting a lot more happy and satisfied with myself - which means more unlikely to make the kind of changes I need to make myself better. Less enthusiasm, less force, less life. All of this is strictly not good.
So, now: going to go write the play. Then sleep. Then work like a dog tomorrow. No, seriously. Like a
dog. I don't have a choice. I must. I must I must I must.
p.s. been re-reading God of Small Things. It's still as gut-wrenchingly depressive, but somehow I don't think of it as Great, or not as much as I used to. I suppose in my present state of mind, just can't think about anyone that depressive as "great" :). Seriously, being happy is good. But changing is more fun, more interesting, and more exciting in every way.
Must keep changing! Must keep changing! (Must adopt that as new mantra. Write that down, brain).
p.p.s. Look, comments! Post me some! Post me some!
This post was posted by Unknown at 4:22 am