This can usually be found on Twitter.
No, for real, this time. I've just realised it. If I can stay up until 4am, working on something as blindingly unimportant as a webpage, on a Saturday early morning, then I am - in fact - officially doomed. It's sad, it's pathetic, it's evil.
It's also very, very fun :).
Oh, and I skipped exercise tonight as well. My bad :(. Will get back into it tomorrow, unless I take up the free ticket to the KE bash, but I doubt it, really. Not like I'm going to have much fun or anything - ermmm, I guess, anyway. Should I? Shouldn't I? I'll probably be debating this until late tomorrow night, but that's alright too, isn't it? ;)
Sometimes, it's just beautiful to feel so ... so ... young ...
This post was posted by Unknown at 4:00 am