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Monday, September 27, 2004

Leaking and Flushing

There is one thing you should know before I start writing. I'm not depressed. I'm not mad. I'm not angry. I'm not frustrated. I'm not afraid. Most of all, I'm not sure. All this - I'm sure - is perfectly okay.

Eventually, your surroundings leak into you. It happens. It's one of the rules of life - like the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the other one, the one with all the funny Greek symbols in it. That which surrounds you, makes you; leaks into you, as certainly, as surely, as water into a sponge (or perhaps, out of a sponge; causality isn't all its cracked up to be). In short, coming to the point: you are where you are. And what your circumstances surroundings situations places points p

And then? You flush. Kerploosh. Wash it all away, top-to-down, left to write. You squeeze yourself (like a sponge? Only if you're into that sort of thing :) - and you wash it all away, and hey - guess what? You find out what you are. What makes you. The code of your being, the heart of the matter, the centre of it all. And once you know that, nothing, but nothing, can take that away from you. Ever.

This post was posted by Unknown at 1:20 am


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