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Thursday, November 25, 2004

This will be the day that I die ...

... and go to heaven :P. No, I just wrote that 'cos "American Pie" is playing.

So: only one paper to go, lab work and web work looming in the distance, and ... and? Nothing else to worry about for a while, I guess. Atleast not stay-up-to-4am-studying kinda stuff, anyway. Blessed relief. Still, no time to just lie around and take it easy today: helping Shruti move stuff, and there's still quite a bit of residual stress about ... well, everything really. Am hoping to go watch a movie or something this weekend, hopefully that'll take the edge off things somewhat.

What else? Well, the future - the immediate future - looks like a mix of lab work and web work, I guess. I really, really want to push the web work thing - and maybe work hard for the first time in my life! That'll certainly be interesting to watch. I really want to "get out and live", althought I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, exactly ... I'm sort of midway and confused right now, 'cos I can't just pack up and go wherever/however I want, cos I still have one exam left, and so on. Also, I don't really have a clue where I'd pack up and go if I could pack up and go, and I strongly suspect as of Saturday, I'm going to back in the lab with a manacle. But there'll be evenings, weekends, and so on.

Okay, work has officially began on MyBiomeWeb!!!! Go see MyBiome Web (HEAVILY under construction!) and check out the plans. All advice and suggestions welcome!

This post was posted by Unknown at 1:09 pm


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