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Tuesday, May 09, 2006


A friend of mine is about to start blogging, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with (she wants to remain anonymous online, so I'm not going to put her link up here or anything).

I just - well, okay, a coupla hours ago - I sat down at SPS and loaded up my browser, which somehow dropped me straight into my blog, which was contemplating greater expectations and their downside, which - when you consider that they is no worse than feeling a little silly at the end/beginning of the day, isn't really all that bad!

For those who don't know - I was getting frightened that something might be happening, but today - hell, a chat with Janani yesterday - provided enough evidence to the contrary that it wasn't all the big a deal. Today did provide enough real evidence, shall we say, so that the possibility of it happening is low enough to not worry about for a wide amount of time.

Although, ironically, this post 'o mine is precisely, exactly on the dollar - maybe, just maybe, not as bad as I thought, but pretty friggin' bad. It's just not likely to affect me that much in the very short term; it is still perfectly capable of all the horrible, mind-bending, time-twisting pain, anguish, and “bloooooood&8221; as the post posits. The last post should not be read as cancelling out that previous post.

The point of the last post really is, “it could have been so much worse but thank God it's only a catastrophe”. Or something like that.

To wrap back to the beginning: a post talking about impending doom, the packing of luggage, and the job at hand. In a single, simple post, I have summed up my entire life. I will go back home now, and, if I'm lucky, think about packing. If not, I'll think about ID. I will not think about the job at hand, you might ask me what happens if I think about the job at hand, and I will tell you, I will not be thinking about the job at hand. Then I will wake up tomorrow, think about either ID or the job at hand, then go to lab, where the job at hand pretty obviously dominates. In short, my life is one blog post.

Which got me thinking about the purpose of blogs as archives. I am insanely proud that my blog is the second oldest running (but oldest one still in use) amongst my friends. I can jump back as far as 2004 (well, 2003 if I jump off this blog and onto my last one), and it's humbling to realise that going back to August 2003 is going to take me back into, and not before, one of the coolest times in my life. It's incredible, two years ago, I was up trying to study for an exam, contemplating death and relationships. How little time changes us, unless we want to change, I guess. (Haha, I love this post, I sounded so cute!)

I'm going to leave now. Stirring up the past always gets too much dust into my river, and I can do without that. There's only really one thing I'm scared of right now, and that's so incredibly, impossibly, surreally unlikely that it just might happen. Of course it won't, and I solemnly swear not to think of it again tonight, but improbability is like that sometimes.

To summarise: blogs rule, because they store life stories; I'm screwed, but maybe not too badly; work is tiring but doable; tomorrow is another day.

Bonus link: I'm part of a WWF photo mosaic. Ain't that nice?

This post was posted by Unknown at 8:54 pm


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - i think the point of the movie ( and its really my own theory coz i didn't read any of the reviews of the movie) was asking us if we really want to erase our memories if we had the choice.
the answer, i think, is no. a memory is a collection of facts sure, but each time u brush past it, ur thinking something else.
so too with blogs.
each time i read an entry of mine, i am reminded of what mood i was in and why i wrote it and somehow it always helps in gaining a little more perspective on what's happening NOW.
how does reading a post on a maggi noodles breakfast help you ask ? i ain't even gonna try answering that if u dunno :)
and just in case u dunno where i'm getting at with this almost mini blog comment of mine of mine, i'm saying yep... blogs store our life stories. 

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