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Monday, June 12, 2006

Post #400!

So, here we are at last!

Well, I'm sitting in lab, currently wasting just a little bit of time so that I don't bump into my labmates on the way out (they're going to watch soccer; I'd like to, but it seems ... odd ... to be off enjoying myself when there's still a pile of work to be done, and particularly when there is actually still enough time to do it in, besides the which, I'm in long pants, and wandering around doing shopping in long pants is never fun. Let's see. It's only 7:30 or so now; I figure that I can leave as late as ... I don't know, 8, 8:30 for sure. The dodgy thing is, what to buy: if it's just books, I can get them (probably cheaper) in India, and that's probably the best gift for the little ones. For Rohit? Anuja? I'm not very sure, and I can't really think of anything right now.

(Went off for dinner with Viks; now back: it is now 11:30pm)

Agh. Hydra still stubbornly refuses to run Farhan's dataset. Will somebody save me from all these computers!

Coming back: so, where am I? I mean, this is logically the 'present' post (as opposed to yesterday's yesterday post, and next month's tomorrow post), but I suppose the present is much too short a period to actually write home about? I mean, think about it: it's like this tiny little bit between tomorrow and yesterday. So I'm going to let today leak into tomorrow, I suppose. Maybe I won't do a tomorrow post in July. So what?

About the only thing I find interesting (although I'm not all that good at it right now, I certainly have the skills for it) is web design. So I'm considering working part time on it and seeing how that goes, and maybe-just-maybe starting my own company. I'm thinking of something as cool as these guys, although starting way smaller, but growing as the market grows, that sort of thing. Start with close to nothing (except the clients I pick up in the next few months), and then grow that into a small one-man consulting outfit, then into a proper web design COMPANY.

Wow, that's a lot of tomorrow to put into a single post, isn't it?

Remember, plans can change. I could have pushed to try doing something like this NOW, but decided not to because I didn't think I was ready. In the next six months, I either WILL be ready, or will KNOW that I'm not ready - I hope. And I'll have some money and experience under my belt, which would be nice. I wonder if that'll be enough. I won't do anything stupid, unless I really have to. But I'm not walking away just because it scares me.

The one BIG thing I've got going for me - as Yahamz pointed out a week or two ago - is that I've got time to build things up slowly. As long as I can swing work for the next six months and a PRship, it's a good backbone. Weeeellllll, you know. It's something.

Other than that: there ain't much by way of guarantees, but all things considered, life is bordering on "okay" (unless, you know, things like that which happen today become more common, in which case ... to be honest, I just don't know, but as a logical aside, isn't that what Life is about? The unknown?), but I've got so many little stabilizers, it is pretty friggin' COOL, all things considered.

Take my bicycle (who still doesn't have an interesting name).

I can cycle ANY time I want. Really. The track is close by, it's fun, it's exhausting, it's distracting (and if I really want distraction, well, Bukit Timah is still slightly out of reach ... there are some peaks still to be climbed, etc.).

As I mentioned a while ago, it's also really fun that there's so much which can beat my emotional stocking out of me so quickly ... like Beethoven's "Pathetique" (Piano Sonata No. 8, Op. 13; specifically, I'm thinking of the 2nd movement), so much of Evangelion, so many songs, so many memories ...

Sorry if this post is kinda rambly; the present can be like that. Not to worry, by the time it's become the past, it generally becomes a lot more coherent, and makes a whole lot more sense in all. I shudder to think of how completely disorganised the 'tomorrow' post is going to be: probably something like the bit where Rei turns up in Evangelion Episode 24; I'd give you links, but I can't find any :(.

Okay, that's it. There's still a lot to do, and I'm kinda hungry, but I'll figure something out. Gaurav out.

Bonus link for today has to be the freakin' hilarious Mull of Kintyre test. Don't bother if you're not okay with talking about body parts (yes, 'private' ones).

This post was posted by Unknown at 7:30 pm


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