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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Yesterday ended surprisingly rotten for a day which began neither here nor there (and actually had several "sweet spots", such as completing the mini-redesign I'd been working on, so that I could get on with Real Work today, :p, etc.)

Ended up sleeping vaguely on time (sometime between 11 and 12) and, sure enough, slept the prescribed 10 hours that my body seems to need (10:15, on the dot; with a lot of 5-more-minutes between 6:42, when I first got up, 7:42, when the alarm went off - NOT a coincidence, I set it that way - and 8:42, which was the last time the alarm was set to before I gave up and went back to sleep). The dreams were weird: a certain someone was there for a while, didi was there, as was my sister, as were cockroaches (this is just before I got up at 6:42); then I ended up in Australia, with a really rude train driver. Sighs.

Oh - and my handlebars have come loose, on Rocinante. HANDLEBARS. I mean, if it was the brakes, you could still ride it to the shop. Without handlebars, a bicycle won't *function* (not that they're off or anything, just liable to change their orientation wrt to the front wheel every once in a while). Thankfully, it conked out just after dinner (at the Across The River place), so I could push it back - slowly, painfully, etc., but imagine if it'd conked out at school! Or - heaven forbid - the slopes! Also, it turns out there's a spanner at home, so I'll give it a shot at fixing it myself, maybe.

And now I'm sitting around blogging cos I haven't the guys to take on today just yet. Also, the AFA volunteers thingie is on tonight, and that could get, um, nerve-wracking. Considering that I seem to be going through some kind of emotional turmoil with my realisation y'day that it might, actually, be really, truely OVER, makes today seem like, um, yeah, the kind of day you crawl back into bed, basically.

Shudders, shivers, nervous twitters.
Only time will tell, I guess.

This post was posted by Unknown at 10:45 am


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