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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Feeling Awful

Just, in general. You run out of gas sometimes, and then it's kinda hard to go on, and you sit and you wonder why you'd ever bother ever again, and whether anything could possibly really matter at all. And why you bothered to bother in the first place. And then you wonder if anything - anything! - could possibly be worth bothering about, and that bothers you all the more. What a bother!

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?

I'm also watching this movie about Gilligan's Island. It is very impressive - the kind of comedy you need superlative genius to come up with. Very impressive, sort of: supersweet and incredibly snarky all at once. And God, what incredibly sorry story appeal - I'd love to go up and write, but I just can't move - I literally want to read just one scene more. God!

And shoot, I still need to catch up on the 'WriMo. Still, this just might make it easier to get the mood I want in my novel: sort of dark and constricted. Some good might just come of this at the end anyway.

This post was posted by Unknown at 1:04 am


Err: I meant "incredible story appeal", not "incredibly sorry story appeal". I really should not blog when depressed/sleepy/etc.

I'm at 8,100-odd words with WriMo! Which means that - although it IS 5:00am, and I am going to be so completely busted in EVERYTHING tomorrow - I'm climbing back up to a 'normal' position on the WriMo. I ought to be at 13,000-odd words by today, but I've gone from being at around 50% of where I ought to be to around 60%. Once I climb back to up 90%, I can relax somemore already.

I solemly swear never to blog in my own comments section ever again. 

aiyeee! well done you. i may drop wrimo. hand dropping off wrist already. 

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