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Thursday, November 09, 2006

That was unexpected

Had a strange, longish, convolutered dream in which my mum is giving me hell because I'm getting only average marks in, err, well, I'm not entirely sure in what - if you look at the first half of the dream, it seems like we're talking about 12th standard ('A' level for you Singaporeans), and if you look at the second half, it looks like we're talking about NUS in general. Or in specific. Or something.

And I wake up and I'm lying there half asleep thinking about how right she is and how I need to change, soon, when it strikes me that I'm not doing so badly now, that I've got a degree, an okayish if somewhat eclectic set of majors and minors, and a pretty decent job (without all that great a pay, but I guess you can't have everything!), so: things are okayish, atleast. Certainly not bad, or anything. Confusing.

I have a vague suspicion that this my subconscious scolding me (through my mother?) for falling behind in 'WriMo again, despite the fact that if I don't make it this year, it'll be another eleven months before I can try again. And, well, that's okay, sort of. This - all of this - isn't how I want to live my life, but until February swings around, that's how I've committed myself to live it, and so that's going to be just exactly how I live it, for better or for worse.

This post was posted by Unknown at 9:24 am


I still manage to hear my mother at home screaming my name from downstairs to get yelled at about something stupid I did (and I did plenty of those). But then I am reminded that I'm now an adult, pretty much financially independent and significantly far away from parental clutches. And then I resume whatever I was doing. :) 

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