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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Insomnia's gifts

Okay, first the really big news: my MacBook Pro (tentatively named "Bathsheba", or daughter of the oath) should be shipping within the week, which means that by next weekend or so, she should be in my hands, and then the fun can really begin, I hope. Also, I'm getting a bit of time off at the moment, since most of my labmates are out of town on conference. Things should get a whole lot dodgier next week, though.

I was hoping that the lack of stress (relative lack of stress?) might help with my weakness fits/heartburn issues, but no such luck. Had a major double whammy yesterday/today (slept early yesterday night, woke up at 2 with usual heartburn, stayed up until morning, then went back to sleep, had weird dreams. Woke up feeling awful, ate a bit, hung around at home until eight-ish when I had a pretty bad attack of the weakness. Like, I walked over to the food court slightly shivering, and guzzled by cola up pretty bad. Rest of the day (popping over to lab, then to SPS, then Clementi, and then back home) was fine, except for the staying-up-all-night bit. I'm not sure what to do about that; try and keep going for the rest of the day, or just forget about it and go to sleep, possibly with the aircon running.

One nice thing about all this is the further strengthening of my position that a "normal" job is just not going to work out for me. I'm feeling pretty weak as I write this, but atleast I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow, I don't have omg-I'm-going-to-be-late anxiety or anything. Well, a bit. Sigh. I don't know, maybe it's all just a bit of a waste.

Maybe it's like some kind of reverse depression. Maybe I need to be happy more. Maybe I ought to get out more.

One nice thing about staying up odd nights is being able to watch late night movies on TV. So far I've managed to catch Grizzly Man (in two parts) and My Date with Drew. They're both really amazing movies, and I'm really glad for the chance to "meet" Timothy Treadwell and Brian Herzlinger.

I wonder who I'll have the pleasure of bumping into next?

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