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Monday, July 02, 2007

Hello, 7am!

Yes, once again approached from the wrong side again. Heaven help us.

I did finally get to watch Melinda and Melinda in full: nothing great, but it had it's moments. The plots ended up a little weird, I thought, and I was very disappointed when Will Ferrell's character slowly devolved into Woody Allen. I mean, Woody Allen! In a movie based in Manhatten! With, like, crazy artsy stuff all over. I mean, you could literally - semi-unconsciously, even - imagine him out, and insert Woody in his place, and it would all make a whole lot more sense. Turns out, with good reason: Mr. Allen having directed the movie and all. Still, entertaining enough for 4am, and that's good enough for me.

Also got to finally pick up my Spanish book! Good fun, even if agua is a little hard to swallow at first (so it's: el agua? Although 'agua' is male? But when you pluralise it, it slips back into las aguas? What on earth ... ?!)

So, basically, yeah, the only part of my life not going so swell is the whole money-making side of things? Great, just great.

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