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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Started badly, ended really nice

Morning and afternoon were very bleah. I got up around 10ish, wandered around some, wandered around some more. Highlights: leading a semi-successful war against the Japanese, eating brownie+vanilla ice cream. Mmmm.

Evening, though, was amazing, because I got to see (but not photograph, curses!) something amazingly beautiful: The moon, Venus and Saturn all next to each other! Venus and the moon were literally beside each other, a completely (or almost) new moon, with pretty much only the disk visible, except it was bright enough that it wasn't completely black?, like a light ghostly gray? And right next to it, Venus, bright as can be, and as stunning as any Greek goddess or Elbereth. I mean, really, I can't remember the last time I've seen Venus so incredibly beautiful. And a little dot just horizonwards of the moon, which was - surprise! - Saturn!

I mean, wow. By tomorrow, the conformation would have changed entirely. Unbelievable. I hope photos of this turn up on APOD, and I'm forever going to curse myself for not going back to the house for a camera.

Also: (do not read if you haven't read Questionable Content! Major spoilers here!) isn't this the most beautiful set of panels ever? It's totally adorable, really. Do NOT click through if you haven't read QC from the beginning - it'll spoil a lot of the fun for you, I can tell you that. There really is something cool about the 500 strips of suspense he puts you through before you get to this point. And that's just half of the strips to date! Zomg fun. Although my heart is, just for the record, still with Queen of Wands. Let's see, let's see, ah, fun times, fun times.

Coming up next: calling Anu in Delhi, chilling out for a while, then going to bed. Mmmm, bed. I still need to clean up my room, though. Goshdarnit.

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