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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Zomg yay!

So, I impulse-bought Civilization IV today. My first Civ game in *ages*, literally years.

And how does it feel?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghbutitfeels GOOD!


Don't have much to say. The game itself is so-so: jumping from X to Y and back to X gives me headaches (I was organizing a campaign just now: omg it was a pain! It was like playing an RTS game without features like "rally points" and queues and so on: you had to keep ordering your cities to produce more, and after your queues were depleted, you had to go back 'round and give everybody orders again, and if you were in the middle of a major action while you were doing it. And, err, can you not destroy buildings any more? Other than that, things which are new - city placement, unit characteristics (how do you deal with Civ when there's no Phalanx? No caravels? No triremes? Omg!), and style of combat are taking me some time to get used to, but it's not too bad, i guess. It's still a lot of fun, although it feels really different in many ways.

Sigh. What a lot of crap. I spew. Still, it is so incredibly amazingly cool to be doing this stuff again :).


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