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Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Life and Death of Peter Sellers

Just saw The Life and Death of Peter Sellers on DVD just now. Good movie? Bad movie? Hard to tell - I roughly agree with a review I saw at the IMDb (which I can't find now, dagnabit), which said that it wasn't that great a movie, but it was competently done and seemed to do a good job of bringing Mr. Sellers to life.

But, oh man. Oh the loneliness. You end up feeling all the wretchedness and sadness and ... tinyness, I guess, maybe. One of the cunning tricks the movie - and I do wish (as usual) that they'd left the deleted scenes in! - played was by simply not letting you care about anybody other than Peter. The narcissism - and the sincere inability to deal with others - is palpable.

Listening to the Goons also gives you a bit more perspective on the lines: there's a scene where Peter is standing at the top of a staircase at the premiere of The Revenge of the Pink Panther (I think?), and he says something like "Thank you for coming, everybody" - as Bluebottle!

But I also agree that a movie about Peter Sellers' life ought to have been a bit funnier. Ah well, ah well - after long chats with several (i.e. more than one) friends online, I'm feeling a bit more prepped on life. So: do I admit it's getting better? Not unless my war-mongering skills on Civilization 4 don't improve!

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