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Monday, April 27, 2009

Too much fun to pass up / song title guide to life

Okay, this is about the first time I've filled up a quiz without someone tagging me directly or any such, but it was just too much fun to pass up! It was a challenge, so how could I resist?

Here are the instructions:

Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST to answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 people you like and include me. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think.

'Dyu see? Such fun! As expected I picked the greatest band of all time. Here are the questions:

Pick Your Artist:
The Beatles
Are you male or female:
Baby You're A Rich Man
Describe yourself:
Nowhere Man
How do you feel about yourself:
Good Day Sunshine
Describe where you currently live:
Magical Mystery Tour
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
There's a Place
Your favorite form of transportation:
Twist and Shout or What You're Doing.
Your best friend is:
Mean Mr. Mustard
Your favorite color is:
For You Blue
What's the weather like:
Getting Better
Favorite time of day:
Good Night
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Here Comes the Sun
What is life to you:
I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
What is the best advice you have to give:
Let it be
If you could change your name, what would it be:
Wild Honey Pie
Your favorite food is:
Savoy Truffle
Thought for the Day:
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
How I would like to die:
It Won't Be Long
My soul's present condition:
My motto:
Tomorrow Never Knows

I'm not going to tag anyone, but please let me know if you fill up this quiz yourself, so I get a chance to read yours. And have fun with it!

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