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Monday, November 03, 2008

I was so happy for you

Was having such an excellent weekend; went to the gym and everything, stomach was definitely on the up-and-up. Then - disaster!

Today was horrible. I woke up with a sore throat, and the mucus dripping down my throat made me feel positively awful. Dragged myself out of bed, as there didn't seem much point in doing anything else; and anyway, my room being brightly lit means there's no sleeping in in the mornings, except on cloudy days and weekends, when I'm not easily bothered by the light :-P. Showered etc., went to work in a taxi. Didn't get much done, as lack of sleep, combined with stomach issues, meant I was extremely unproductive. Then things went from bad to worse.

Lunch disagreed with me; I think I overate because I was so hungry. Either way, my stomach was feeling awful. And my throat and nose. And I felt weak in general. And I was constipated. So it was awful in general.

Went home, lay around for a while, then went to see a Doc at East Shore Hospital. He was like, it's cool, your stomach feels fine. It's probably just a "normal" case of constipation. And he offered me an enema (declined) and pills for my nose (gratefully accepted, but they don't seem to have any lasting effect). Also confirmed that East Shore does have a 24-hour A&E, so I'm glad - if things go down the crapper, I won't have to go very far to get help.

The good news: so now I'm reconciled to my constipation, and am ignoring the discomfort, hoping that, ah, things down there will sort themselves out. I'm much more willing to take tomorrow morning off, and maybe the whole day - anything to avoid rushing to work, doing nothing, and coming back disappointed and irritated and feeling useless. And I'm only one day away from going back to NUH - okay, that's more "informative" than "good", but if the problems persist past Wednesday, I'm going to give serious thought to flying back to Bangalore for some R and R. Oh, and also: the Doc suggested I stop taking one of my pills, which hopefully will help get my system back to normal somewhat.

The bad: my nose is dripping again, a little, so I imagine my stomach will be "in a bad way" tomorrow morning as well. As long as I don't panic, take thing easy, get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids, and all that stuff, I should be in a proper state to deal with life. And if I need medical help, it's right around the corner. And if I need good food, there's Swensons. Heck, I could go the gym if I so want - or dare!

So, um. Yeah. Sucks. Sucks totally, and with major effort. But does not suck as bad as it might. The key, perhaps, is to remain grateful.

(The post title is from Portal, and has nothing to do with anything.)

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