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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moving house

I woke up to the strangest dream this morning: my mum, dad, and sister were "in a house" (which house? Somehow I assumed it was somewhere in Singapore, but it couldn't be, could it?), and we were moving to Australia. It was a pretty abstract dream about moving, running around, packing this, anticipating that (including sage advice like "eat lightly *before* flying somewhere new, but then eat heaving *once* you get there, preferably at localtime lunchtime"), and generally a whole lot of packing boxes and an impressive number of possessions (mm, possessions).

But the reason I woke up confused was two-fold: firstly, because I have a very dim memory of moves at all (it was usually done by movers while I was at school, except for the last one, which was Bangalore to Bangalore. That one I remember); in fact, it's likely that the dream was an extrapolation of my moves within Singapore. And secondly, because I'd clean forgotten just how much fun moving somewhere was. I remember reading a book as a kid which had a very pretty description of someone moving from one place to another, and I was nervous enough as a kid that moving elsewhere always seemed a fine opportunity to leave all my worries behind, so it had that going for it.

But there's also all the other fantastic stuff about being a kid moving from one home to another. There's so much to get done: you have to careful denude the house down to its whitewashed walls and barefooted floors, exactly as you found it when you first moved in; all the memories have to be carefully sifted through and brought along to your new home; everything has to be in a box or in its shoes and ready to move out when the call goes out. Then it's a cab ride, airport trip - eat lightly! - hop on a plane, and - before you have time to miss what you've left - you'll be somewhere you've never been before.

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