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Monday, August 10, 2009

Sometimes I impress even me

Okay, so I'm going to stipulate that those two tall buildings with funky things on their roof is no less than the buildings I grew up in. I guess this based entirely on that curve in the street, which I vaguely remember from somewhere I once saw or something (it helps that Judges Court road is mostly straight except for this one bit), and on "New Road", which I remember geographically is where my preschool and the local video store used to be, and which Google confirms my preschool to be located on - a confirmation I got after the fact, by the way. So I basically googled "Judges Court Road", moved up and down a bit, saw the curve, saw the buildings, and put my finger down - "here".

If I'm right, then I just impressed myself with my map-retention abilities. If I'm wrong - oh well, I needed a blogpost before I could sleep tonight :).

August 10, 2009: Okay, found both my school (confirmed with Wikipedia) and (I think) the library, the zoo and Victoria Memorial. Impressiver and impressiver!

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