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Saturday, May 15, 2004

Just one more ...
Oh god, if you existed, I must be boring you to hell. But then I'm convinced nobody checks my blog anyway :). So that's alright then. Actually, atleast partially, I'm trying to hit *it*. This will be my 89th blog entry. Just another 11 and I reach 100! An important number for any blogger. I wish I could do like a friend of mine and write entirely obfuscated blogs which don't seem to make any sense at all! Sometimes I really dread either myself or others reading my blog and trying to put together the fragments of my mind (Can't be done. Like Humpty Dumpty. Much too many). More than that, I think that friend actually feels better by taking her problems and generalising it, expanding it until it becomes a subset of the universe's problem. I think my problem is pretty universal too, but I can't feel it. Just can't feel it. It seems to be coiling around my neck, choking, choking, choking (or maybe it's just my sore throat?) This seems to be a week for in-betweens. In-between crush and friend. In-between family and self. In-between care and uncare. In-between interest and need. In-between sickness and health. In-between sleep and unsleep. And now, in-between wanting to go back to Singapore (forced adulthood; become who I must because I have no choice) or wanting to stay here (want to regress; to re-enjoy childhood a little more, but knowing that door is forever shut now, maybe). p.s. Yes, I do actually know what I'm talking about. People who read my blog, be warned - you will not understand *any* of the above stuff. It's not covered in my blog, in any way, anywhere. Ask me personally if you want to know, but be warned some stuff is the kinda stuff that I'll only be comfortable talking about face-to-face. But maybe you'll get lucky ;)

This post was posted by Unknown at 5:25 am


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