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Friday, October 15, 2004

Hunger, hunger

Before I begin: this one's for you, Yvette! (when I read it, the piano and the brilliance and the hard work, it just reminded me of you). Earlier on, he says, "I have a theory that scientists and philosophers are sublimated romanticists who channel their passions in another direction", which is also true, I think.

(And now, back to our regularly scheduled program)

Well, I don't have much to say, I'm just here because (a) I don't feel like sleeping, and (b) because somebody told me they'd like my last-to-last blog entry. Add to 'a' the fact that I'm vaguely stressed about my post-college life (which I would like to spend as an atleast reasonably well-to-do entrepreneur). Big dreams? Yeah, sure, I've got them too. Nice house. A dog. A girl I like, and who likes me back. The simple stuff.

But the simple stuff means I've got to work my ass off now, now when all my expenses are being borne by my parents (okay, that sounds mean, but seriously: I'm not becoming an all-and-out entrepreneur if it means taking money off my parents, I've been doing it for too long. But they are paying for this education, and I figure; if I can learn the important things, the things I'm really going to need in the future I'm making for myself, it's money well spent).

And seriously, this is one of those lifelong things - in the sense, that (as with certain people and places) I wouldn't mind living them for the rest of my life. Nor am I particularly ambitious when it comes to money: if it'll pay for rent, for me, for my dog, and for the computer which is the font of all the money, I'll be happy. Webdesigning - or rather, web application creation - excites me, simply because there's so much to do, so many avenues still open, and so many possibilities still floating around. Jetsam, flotsam, maybe, but it's so perfectly close to my ideal that I'd be stupid not to atleast give it a shot.

My biggest dreams in my professional life:

  1. Making ends meet: if I can't fly off with my (girl?)friend on a holiday to far-away places once every year (atleast), it's not worth it.
  2. A dog: A must in every home. Unlimited love, companionship and warmth, whenever needed.
  3. Work from home: Easier to take care of point 2, also ... I'd love to do it (no, I'm not just being a lazy slob; renting office premises is around 400-500$/month in Singapore). If I can't work from home, I want to work somewhere where I can take point 2.

That's pretty much it, I guess. Recognition, particularly about my peers, would be nice. A girlfriend? Nice, but with the dog, I could wait awhile, until I find - well - her. Have I left out anything? Nothing important. Am I being overly hopeful? Duh - this is, after all, my best case situation. This is where I am three years from now, if everything goes spot-on perfect. Of course, nothing ever does - but that's the fun of it, isn't it? But yeah - that's the dream. That's the hope. That's the vision (atleast, right now).

And now off I go to play one of my favourite games.

This post was posted by Unknown at 4:19 am


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