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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I have to write, I'm sorry

Why? There's a bewildering range of reasons, so no need to poke any deeper into that trough than I really have to; I can just say that I've been a bit quieter than usual and I don't like it. I really badly need to bicycle now, and I really badly need to sleep (for AGES like a BABY, etc.), and I really badly need to watch a movie, and ...

Sigh. So much noise, so little time, such a gigantinormous ol' world. So much fear, so much surreal, so little that we mere mortals can aspire to before the ends of the world.

Gah. Philosophicating is over-rated. Am going back to room, NOT turning on internets, and going sleep-sleep. Tomorrow is another day, another patch, another bug-fix. Such is life; but sometimes ... you remember what it's all about. Sometimes it bubbles out of the crevices of your mind, and you understand what it is secondary here and what's the real importance, the actual reason for being - the door into tomorrow, etc. Gah, but I'm sleepy. Off I go. Goodnights.

This post was posted by Unknown at 10:34 pm


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