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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Walked home in the rain

It was bad, then it was good - the last ten minutes were amazing, what with finally making it home, getting out of the rain, walking up to this bakery soaking, asking a pretty girl for a Shepherd's Pie, walking back out into the rain (which in the last ten minutes had gone from 'strong' to 'pouring cats, dogs, and other small mammals'), waiting at the crossing for the lights to change (there was enough traffic that I wouldn't've wanted to risk walking across in the rain), waiting, waiting, and then realising that the woman on the other side of the road hadn't pushed the crossing button. Push it, lights change almost immediately, cross, walk up to the house with my rainjacket feeling like it's been soaked all the way through (all this with my little phone still playing 'Charlie No. 3' for all it's worth, yay Whitlams! Yay Motorola!), stand outside for ten long seconds getting the door opened, and then - finally - home! Safe! Dry!

Then, of course, the fun really starts, what with taking all my wet stuff off (including my pants ... ), walking in and changing, going back out and wiping up, putting my clothes into the washing machine, and turning on the water heater. Now I have to go back down, put my clothes out, bring the clothes already out, in, and then take the nice hot shower to which I feel so entitled, before going to sleep early and forgetting that today happened at all.

And I'm still lonely. Blech.

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