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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Feelin' fine

In good spirits today. Don't really know why, but I'm not complaining! Did very little, and looking forward to maybe stuffing my face at Burger King's. Blood/urine/faeces tests come back on Thursday, and if they're clean, I'm going to go look for a dietician - I mean, even if I'm 'just' eating wrong or something, something's wrong, and I'd like to get it sorted out. Like today. I had the non-stress version of my 'problem' - woke up at ten or eight or something, went back to sleep, then woke up at twelve after a vivid dream. So: it wasn't a nightmare, and I woke up feeling really nice and relaxed, which is new for me the last couple of weeks. So that's good.

Other than that, typical laid back lazy Sunday. Trying to get my insurance issues sorted out, while at the same time looking into investment etc. Also, I need to get to the Kingston service centre and ask them why I can't format my brand new memory card. Note how how everybody's working hours is 'Mon-Fri 9am-6pm'! Well, whatddya know, that's my working hours too! Does everybody just take a coupla hours off in the afternoons to go get their insurance/investment/etc. issues sorted out, or hope that their particular firm does Saturday mornings too, or what? Hmpf.

Back to work tomorrow. Looking forward to it - not so much because of my own work (which isn't all that bad!), but because this means I get to run around doing the insurance, memory card, and all the other little things. Little things! Such brilliantnesses. Also, this week we figure out who's coming on board for UROPS. Good times.

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