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Sunday, December 10, 2006


could be better. Yes, I know, I know: lots of interesting things happening, Kaberi just flew into town (only just barely managed to be there at the airport in time to receive her ... thankfully, getting through immigration took just enough time for me to get to the terminal!). And Li Ling's wedding was today, which was fun; and the wedding dinner is tomorrow, which might be funner. And I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off work, so at the very least I get some much needed R-and-R, and at best, I have a fun time in the city.

'cept my health is really starting to worry me, things aren't going all that great, neither in answering the Bigger Questions (what should I do with my life, where do i want to end up, should i stay, what is my duty, what is the point, et. c.), nor in answering the smaller questions (what should i do after this job, will i ever be in a relationship, why amn't i happy, etc.)

Ah, life.

This post was posted by Unknown at 1:40 am


Aww.. We must chat. Sorry I've been so out of it today. We are meeting tomorrow or Tuesday, right? Cycling! :) 

Aww.. We must chat. Sorry I've been so out of it today. We are meeting tomorrow or Tuesday, right? Cycling! :) 

Aww.. We must chat. Sorry I've been so out of it today. We are meeting tomorrow or Tuesday, right? Cycling! :) Call me. 

Aww.. We must chat. Sorry I've been so out of it today. We are meeting tomorrow or Tuesday, right? Cycling! :) Call me. 

the answer is 42 

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