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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

So much more

There have been some amazing photos on Astronomy Picture of the Day lately. Most astounding: this relatively indescript photo of Gliese 581, a star harbouring the most earth-like planet found outside the solar system. And in between, some joker decided to re-run the blue marble photograph. I don't suppose that photo ever gets old.

And then today's was this amazing photo of a possible dark matter ring, taken by the redoubtable Hubble Telescope. Look at that! Galaxies! I mean, wow.

In other news, I'd completely forgotten about the family website until my Dad reminded me, so now there's a post on everywhere we went in London up now. Took a while to get all those links working, mind. I need to add in the 'family' photos to the bar on top of the website, too, and maybe a couple new posts about ... well, anything, I guess.

Mr. Munroe has an amazing map of online communities on xkcd now. I love how it's a subtle manipulation of the Asian east coast! Singapore is right by the Bay of Angst, just sound of Xanga, while India is entirely covered by Classmates.com. Speaking of which, have you heard about Mr. Munroe's recent run-in with the MIT folks. Obviously, as per his request, he is being pelted by the algorithm from Jersey. While the effect the algorithm might have on normal people, it's effect on fictionals are well-established: the algorithm is believed responsible for the death of "Ask Jeeves" from the Internet several yoinks ago.

IndieHIG is a project designed to come up with an independent set of human interface guidelines. Interesting.

Yet another in the long line of redshirt jokes. Nicely done.

And, to round things off, this brilliantly cute comic about adulthood from the recently mentioned Mr. Munroe, him of the algorithm.

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