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Monday, February 25, 2008

The Goon Show

Since I needs must write a blog post (because of the twin pressures of request and competition, as also a certain need to express myself in writing; that I am waiting for an e-mail of much importance also contributes to this need certainly), but ...

Good heavens.

I have to write. This is a need. I need to write, I feel it within me. I want to write, writing can be fun. But I also must write; I've been told to, and both my blog-friends are going at it, so I would feel both left out and a disappointment if I didn't. So here goes.

(Ah, much better. Go on.)

Oh my, the GRE draws near! It's going to (hopefully) be crazy for a while to come. My birthday comes too, this Friday - once in four years, but what can you do? I've also maybe got to perhaps starting thinking about well my err driving lessons, actually, although there's a good chance that's going to be pushed into the future. I might also be buying the camera-of-my-dreams next month perhaps maybe depending. My cousin brother is to be married at the end of April, if all goes according to plan etc. I had a rather strange dream last night; I can't be sure, but I think Michael Caine (sorry, Sir Mich. Cai.) wanted to beat me up. Nfznu was there, too, as a sort of narrator/guide type person thing, although I notice not doing much to stave off Sir Michael. Still, strange non-depressing dreams are probably the best, so I'm not complaining.

I deliberately (and quite cunningly, I should think!) did very little over the weekend, besides lying around and watching television and the occasional DVD (I saw I Not Stupid, which was a lot better than I expected! The first 30-50% was typical Singaporean farce/satire, but somewhere along the line it picked up heart and went with it, and you ended up feeling for the characters, which was nice). What this means is that I will have to do a lot more work after-hours on all matter of financial, emotional, economical, programmable and game-related madness. Oh, and the laundry, of course. There's always the dratted laundry.

Oh, quick additional: I spent last afternoon playing around with Adobe Lightroom, and had tons of fun with it. I put some of the processed photos online, so let me know what you think.

Goodbye, fair blog reader; fair blog reader, good bye.

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This post was posted by Unknown at 12:29 am


Wow! You are doing GRE?
Good luck. You will do well. 

another human being bites the dust.
i, robot. you, robot. 

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