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Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh what a day

A vague list

  1. I paid mucho mucho money for .Mac, and promptly felt very guilty. I'm not going to pull the move-all-my-money-out-of-my-account-before-they-debit trick this time, though, I have to stop making spontaneous online purchases with the power of my mind. Was very disappointed that I could publish my calendar but not make it private. Anyway, it came in use with an hour, because of me sending TaxonDNA somewhere by e-mail (just under 800kb), and Gmail refused to send such nonsense (probably because it contained an executable, not because it was too big), but .Mac was happy to do it. I guess it's nice having paid-for e-mail again, after years of free e-mail :).

    Of course, if iWeb is nice and I finally move my blog off Blogger ... well!

  2. I found out OMG somebody has made a Saramago movie! It's Blindness, which I'd definitely like to watch, particularly the latter half of the book, but I'm glad there's atleast one out there now. It premiered at Cannes, and will release in Singapore in September. Initial reviews are disappointing, alas. Can't have everything, and something's better than nothing!
  3. Another of my friends' folks are moving to Singapore. Everybody's doin' it!
  4. Twitter is sweet. This post began (in my mind) as a Tweeter post, before expanding to present form.
  5. Watched Indiana Jones and the Forgettable Title on GVmax. Good things: watching all that effects on a nice, big screen, which nice sounds and all; most of the acting was handled okay (I found the Shia kid irritating as usual, but he kinda stops talking halfway through the movie, and then he's okay), there were cool walking-around-in-caves-finding-things scenes, and the camera work was nice. Bad things: the skull was "magnetic" (no it wasn't, atleast not consistently), the underlying plot idea wasn't so much plotted as vaguely scribbled, and every single CGI animal just looked weird. But I thought Karen Allen looked hot, so what do I know.
  6. Got stomach-sick eating movie food. Was too slow getting from theatre to bus-stop and missed bus, had to take cab. Didn't have cash, and NETS and Credit Card wasn't working. So I had to go the MRT and withdraw from the ATM. But the cab-driver-uncle was really sweet about it, and offered to drive me from the MRT back to my home without charge. Didn't take him up on it, but thanks all the same cab-uncle!

Okay, doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I always thought that Wallace Line was creepily cool. Now: on to tomorrow!

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