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Friday, April 11, 2008

Approaching GRE time

So, GRE biology: the fun begins 0830 (gasp, so early!), Saturday morning, Apr 12, 2008.

I'm unbelievably nervous; if all goes according to plan, I'll be finishing reading through my GRE Biology book tomorrow, do two practise tests (one free-timed, one timed, natch) and do some web-based research (quick! What's the archegonium?). My quick look at the test yesternight revealed: I have no clue about nothing, but - should luck be my companion - my guesses should be reasonably good. So optimistic, yeah. Let's see how it goes; let's see how much I can get done in the next twenty-four hours, and lets hope I don't spend my entire Friday cleaning my room (which is frightfully dirty) or walking around (which is frightfully fun).

Wish me luck!

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This post was posted by Unknown at 2:08 am


who ever has a clue about GRE bio? i took molecular bio and biochem because i knew i would definitely be dead. if i took GRE bio, i would not know if i would pass or fail. definite death is less painful. 

by the way--i think i took gre biochem during NUS finals, half asleep, same semester as a few other overloaded classes in the now defunct biochem dept, and only started studying a week before. and i did one practice test from the free kaplan booklet and failed. and i still did ok. so i think you will be more than ok. 

nu, how went it? 

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