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Friday, June 13, 2008

House Hunting, GRE, weddings

Went house hunting today; fairly disappointing - we saw two places; I hated one and Ifty hated the other. So. We might be increasing our budget, which will certainly help us find a place. Let's see how that goes; in any cases, we are finding a place ASAP, because I can't take much more of this calling-up-agents stress.

And stress makes me particularly unhappy because: work is stressful! With reason, there are deadlines coming down soon and close, and calling agents and all really throws me off that. On the other hand, work is really exciting these days. Am seriously considering pushing to stay in Singapore another year and get this stuff well and truly done before moving on.

Got my GRE Biology score today: 790/990. 85%. Not so great, not so great at all.

I've got my invitation to Darwin's wedding reception now. Yay!

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This post was posted by Unknown at 12:06 am


Dude? I think I got about the same percentile (but I scored 670 or something crappy like that on biochem). I still got into very good schools with worse grades than you.

There is much hope! 

My take on this: get your PhD and move on. The PhD will either beat the crap out of you (generic "you") such that one doesn't care anymore or spur you to very great heights. 

I happened to drop by and saw your remarks. As with everything in life, for every example, there is always a counter-example. A schoolmate of mine scored something like 600/990 for his Physics GRE and that was atrocious by any measure. Despite that, he got into a respectable grad school and is now in the extremely respectable Institute for Advanced Study for his postdoc. You can brood on that forever and nothing better is ever going to happen until you decide to take a more positive outlook. Afterall, the score wasn't even the beginning of the game. The real game starts only when you are in grad school and you will have a lot more of the opportunities to be acquainted with disappointment and failure. Part of the training is to learn how to endure and cope with them. 

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