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Monday, June 02, 2008

Oh and another thing

Saw Ferris Bueller's Day Off again today, after absolutely forever. Such joyful film-making and acting! Still undecided about whether to buy the DVD (or rather, when to buy the DVD), but probably sooner rather than later, the Amazon-purchase-hold holding back things for a while, though, thankfully. Still, the Ferrari's final scene is one of the few completely laugh-out-loud scenes in moviedom as far as I'm concerned, and so many cute scenes make up the movie - Cameron giggling when caught looking at Sloane naked, the view from the tower, the scene in the restaurant, and the fantastic parade sequence (oh shake it up, baby now ... !), which is only helped by the vocal contribution of Messrs Lennon and company.

I also saw A Shot in the Dark, and - so far - am fairly disappointed. I don't suppose I'll ever appreciate Mr. Edwards' comedy style, and Mr. Sellers seems too unsurefooted and off his usual genius to really make Clouseau work in this movie. Oh well; I suspect the second half might be better. I'm starting to appreciate Mr. Chaplin's movies more in retrospect, particularly "Modern Times", which I've been wishing to re-see. Compared to Mr. Edwards' long, drawn-out comedic situations in which coincidence, accident and surprise lead to the funnies, Mr. Chaplin's tightly knit gags, taking a normal, everyday occurance and exaggerating it beyond belief into supernatural funnies gets me happier. Oh well, perhaps it's best not to think too much about these things, merely to laugh and move on; perhaps?

Also, also: tried to call a friend in Bombay tonight. Didn't happen, will call tomorrow, but appear to have missed my cousin brother yet again. Oh well, so it goes. Another week can't hurt, and perhaps I will e-mail him instead or goodness gracious me write? Suddenly everything seems so possible again, somehow! The logical combination of Ferris Bueller and Evangelion, perhaps? Haha, craziness.

Since I've gone on this long: a friend of mine also wrote a pretty funny entry on her blog just now. Go read!

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